What is the full meaning of ACCSA?

Association of Chartered Certified System Accountants.

Is ACCSA registered?

ACCSA is registered in the United States as Association of Chartered Certified System Accountants, Global.

Why Chartered Certified?

In the United States, the qualifications granted to professionals by law is Certified; in the United Kingdom and some other countries, the qualifications granted by law to professionals is Chartered. ACCSA is an Association with a core goal of bringing together Chartered and Certified Accountants on the platform of technology.

What is the core focus and areas of coverage of ACCSA?

The Association’s core focus is to bring together Accountants from all over the globe, provide training, organize conferences and workshops which is Information technology-driven in accounting and forensics aimed at bridging the Digital divide among the countries of the world. The IT-based trainings, conferences and workshops holds yearly across the 7 continents of the world: Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America and South America.

Is ACCSA recognized globally?

ACCSA has affliliations cutting accross the globe with representatives in Europe, United States, Autstralia, Africa and Asia.

Is ACCSA registered with International Federation of Accountants (IFAC)?

Registration with IFAC will commence when the requirements for registration are perfected.

Is ACCSA affiliated to any Professional accountancy Body or Institution?

The Association is affiliated to corporate organizations and institutions in United States, United Kingdom, South Africa, United Arab Emirates, Nigeria and Ghana.

Is there any waiver for the holder of ACCSA certificate who desire to enroll as a member of other professional body?

With the planned Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between ACCSA and other Professional accounting associations across the globe, there will be provision for waivers based on qualification and experience which will qualify members for special membership into the Association. However, approvals for special membership are based on results of assessment and merit.

What are the exceptional values of ACCSA that makes it different from other professional bodies?

All the conferences, workshops, trainings and examinations conducted by the Association are IT-based.

Can I use ACCSA certificate to get a job or promotion?

Yes! Several holders of ACCSA certificates have been offered jobs, contracts, admissions and consultancy registration certificates by virtue of their membership of the Association.

Can I use ACCSA certificate to practice as a Consultant?

Yes! The essence of membership of ACCSA is the empowerment of members to practice as Consultants. Several members have been granted certificates of registration as practitioners by the relevant authorities in their home countries.

Is ACCSA membership by examination or direct membership?

Yes! Membership is by both means. Examination is to be written by Undergraduates and/or Graduates of Accounting who do not possess membership certificates of any recognized accountancy bodies. Holders of membership certificates of approved Professional accountancy bodies are admitted as direct members after a process of certificate verification by the Association and also by undergoing a practical refresher course in electronic accounting.

Who are the initiators and founding directors of ACCSA?

They comprise of Americans, African-Americans and Africans who have the vision of bridging the digital divide between developed countries and developing nations on earth. They are Professionals, scholars, specialists, researchers, technocrats and captains of industries with track records of technological development globally.

What is the full meaning of the designated letters CCSA?

Chartered Certified System Accountant.

What is the full meaning of the designated letters FCCSA?

Fellow Chartered Certified System Accountant.

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